The owner lied to the authorities about various details related to the incident. Fortunately, no one was hurt. ATesla Model X owner crashed in a park in China on July 29, 2022. The electric SUV reportedly left the road and crashed while it was on Autopilot. No one was injured, and the owner, who was alone in the car, was able to walk away, but the authorities were involved. When the police showed up, they determined that there was no one in harm's way, and the Tesla Model X SUV's battery pack didn't seem to be a cause for concern. There was no fire, and since it was late at night at a park, there were no other vehicles around. According to Teslarati, the Model X owner told the authorities that he had alcohol at dinner, but didn't have a safe ride home. He asked someone to drive him home, but they would only meet him at the opposite end of the park from where his Model X was parked. He said he sat in the passenger seat and let Tesla Autopilot take his car across the park to the north gate. The authorities responding to the incident tested the Tesla owner's blood alcohol level, which proved he was over the legal limit. The crash was considered a drunk driving accident. According to Pandaily, Tesla China was also able to prove that the driver was actually in the driver's seat during the crash, not the passenger's seat.